LOCAL AUTHORSBy Genre (2020 Albany Book Festival)
Shameka Andrews
Butterfly on Wheels (picture book)
Artie Bennett
The True Story of Zippy Chippy (picture book-biography) www.artiebennett.com
Anne O'Brien Carelli
Skylark and Wallcreeper
and One Light (middle grade novels) www.anneobriencarelli.com www.aminasnewfriends.com
Eric Devine
One in Ten (newest YA novel)
Tania Guarino
Bedtime Band (picture book coming soon) http://taniaguarino.com
Melissa Hurt
I Am the Jungle: A Yoga Adventure (picture book) www.melissahurt.com/publications
Gertrude Katz
Young Adult and Teaching Resources www.gertrudekatzchronicles.com
Lani Larson
(Volume II coming soon)
Linda Elovitz Marshall
The Polio Pioneer: Dr. Jonas Salk and the Polio Vaccine (picture book)
Anne Frank: The Girl Heard Around the World (middle grade)
Have You Ever Zeen a Ziz?
(picture book)
Saving the Countryside
(picture book)
Shalom Bayit (board book)
Isabella Sementilli
The Short Story of One Tough Cookie
Alexandra Siy
Cynthia Stephens
The Princess and the Golden Yam (coming soon)
D. R. Whitehead
Messy Adventures in Friendship Series
Taylor's Party Dilemma & Amanda's New Friend
(Christian Middle grade novels)
Series website
Laura Heffernan
Romantic Comedy www.lauraheffernan.com
Joe Di Bari
Jack Casey
Hamilton's Choice (new novel)
Joe Di Bari
John R. Teevan III www.AuthorJohnTeevan.weebly.com

Esma Ashraf, MSW
Shamma: The Dancing Flame www.esmashraf.com
Paul E Calarco, Jr.
Carol Durant
Cold Pressed and Just Brewed Poetry
Also available at The Book House in Stuyvesant Plaza & Market Block Books
Sarah Giragosian
The Death Spiral (new collection) https://sarahgiragosian.wordpress.com
Shana Gourdine
The Mask Behind the Mask www.theladybehindthemask.com
JoAnn Stevelos
Dream Alibis (poetry collection)
Martin Willitts Jr.
For special promotions/deals, email the author: mwillitts01@yahoo.com
Unexpected (new collection)
The Temporary World Coming Home Celebration Unfolding Towards Love
Joachim Frank
Aan Zee (new novel) https://franxfiction.com/aan-zee
Harvey Havel
Joyce Hinnefeld
The Beauty of Their Youth
(new short story collection) http://joycehinnefeld.com/
Eugene Mirabelli
Forthcoming on October 23rd
Edward Schwarzschild
In Security (new novel) Available at 30% discount from SUNY Press (coupon code ABF20 through October24th) Click here to order.
JoAnn Stevelos
Howard Be Thy Name (novel)
Keith W. Willis
The Knights of Kilbourne fantasy/romance series
ENCHANTED KNIGHT www.keithwillisauthor.com
Catherine Bruns www.catherinebruns.net
Robert Knightley
Peter G. Pollak
Missing (newest novel)
Carol Pouliot
The Blackwell and Watson Time-Travel Mysteries www.carolpouliot.com
Tom Swyers
Vincent Zandri
The Girl Who Wasn’t There
(new thriller) www.vincentzandri.com

Glenn Albrecht
Earth Emotions: New Words for a New World
Ray Brescia
The Future of Change: How Technology Shapes Social Revolutions
Rick Burton & Scott Pitoniak
Forever Orange: The Story of Syracuse University
Dr. Mildred Chang
The Mask Is Off (memoir)
My Name Is George Weah: Journey From The Slum to President (biography)
Email the author to purchase: chang_mildred@yahoo.com
Elaina Coe
The Grammar Palette: Complete grammar and how it translates into more varied and effective writing of fiction and nonfiction
Michael A. Davi
PrivileGEd (memoir/nonfiction) www.michaeldavi.net
Peter Del Tredicci
Wild Urban Plants of the Northeast, Second Edition
Chuck D’Imperio
New York State/Regional Studies
Syracuse University Press
Upstate Uncovered (SUNY Press)
John Seibert Farnsworth
Nature Beyond Solitude: Notes from the Field
Doug Feldman
A View from Two Benches: Bob Thomas in Football and The Law
J (Johannes) Froebel-Parker ANASTASIA AGAIN: The Hidden Secret of the Romanovs
Jay Howard Geller
The Scholems: A Story of the German-Jewish Bourgeoisie from Emancipation to Destruction
J. Robert Harris
Way Out There: Adventures of a Wilderness Trekker
Harvey Havel
Sean Kirst
The Soul of Central New York
Jeff Kosseff
The Twenty-Six Words That Created the Internet
Lois Letchford
Reversed: A Memoir www.loisletchford.com
Philip Mark Plotch
Last Subway: The Long Wait for the Next Train in New York City
Peter Rose
History on Our Plate: Recipes from America’s Dutch Past for Today’s Cook

Bridgette Shea
Cultivating Your Microbiome (newest book)
Holistic Health www.bridgetteshea.com
Nina Shengold
Reservoir Year: A Walker’s Book of Days (memoir/nature writing)
Cathy A. Small
The Man in the Dog Park: Coming Up Close to Homelessness
Rodney A. Smolla
Confessions of a Free Speech Lawyer: Charlottesville and the Politics of Hate
Robert W. Snyder
Crossing Broadway: Washington Heights and the Promise of New York City
Robert G. Spinney
City of Big Shoulders: A History of Chicago
Lisa A. Tucker
Hamilton and the Law: Reading Today’s Most Contentious Legal Issues Through the Hit Musical
Mohammad Yadegari with Priscilla Yadegari
Always an Immigrant, a Cultural Memoir
Book House of Stuyvesant Plaza www.bhny.com
Cornell University Press www.cornellpress.cornell.edu
Editorial Freelancers Associations (EFA) www.the-efa.org
Empire State Center for the Book www.empirestatebook.org
Friends and Foundation
of Albany Public Library
IMNF Education Press
McPherson & Company
Syracuse University Press https://press.syr.edu